5. Paterson, B; Sowman, M; Raemaekers, S; Russell, D; Draper, K & Willemse, N. 2012. Recommendations towards the collection and analysis of information on the human dimensions of fisheries including the development of a field monitoring program. FAO-BCC Project EAF 09/12 DRAFT.
4. Integrating human dimensions information into EAF in the context of small-scale fisheries in South Africa. Workshop Report. 7 June 2011. Prepared by the Environmental Evaluation Unit, University of Cape Town.
3. Human dimensions of small-scale fisheries in the BCLME region: an overview. 2011. Prepared by the Environmental Evaluation Unit at UCT. (Merle Sowman, Paula Cardoso, Pete Fielding, Maria Hauck, Serge Raemaekers, Jackie Sunde and Oliver Schultz.)
2. Integrating the human dimension of an EAF into fisheries management in the BCLME. Presentation by Serge Raemaekers at the Annual Science Forum of the BCC. Windhoek, Namibia, October 2012. PPP