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The Benguela Current Convention Celebrates World Oceans Day 2020

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BCLME III Project: Experts Meeting to Strengthen Collaboration

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Improving Ocean Governance in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem


In collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the BCC Secretariat is executing a project titled “Improving Ocean Governance in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem” (BCLME III). The BCLME III Project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and co-financed by the BCC Parties. This initiative builds on previous UNDP-GEF funding to the BCC, which assisted the countries to establish a multilateral commission for integrated ecosystem management, a regional LME Convention, and a wealth of fundamental science for long-term change monitoring.

Project Objectives

The overall aim of the project is to realise a coordinated regional approach to the long-term conservation, protection, rehabilitation, enhancement, and sustainable use of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem to provide economic, environmental, and social benefits and well-beings to the region through the domestication and implementation of the Benguela Current Convention and accompanying Strategic Action Programme.

The project focuses on supporting the BCLME countries to strengthen and integrate policy, institutional, and management structures and protocols in order to realise transboundary benefits, mainstream transboundary priorities into national policy frameworks while linking them to national development plans and strategies, and catalyse private sector finance into BCC Convention implementation and stress reduction activities in the region. In addition, the project aims to demonstrate sustainable stress-reduction activities on a national scale, with a particular focus on intersectoral collaboration and partnerships.

Project components & outcomes

Component 1: Improved Ocean and Coastal Governance

Outcome 1.1 addresses the need for regional level agreement and harmonisation of legislation, policy and management for all LME-related sectors.
Outcome 1.2 will strengthen or establish the necessary national legal frameworks and institutional arrangements
Outcome 1.3 intends to adopt and implement national-level integrated governance and management mechanisms through demonstration projects. Click for more information on BCLME III Project: National Demonstration Projects.

Component 2: Stakeholder Engagement and Partnership Collaborations

Outcome 2.1 will strengthen or create regional and national level stakeholder engagement activities.
Outcome 2.2 will strengthen or create community level engagement activities.
Outcome 2.3 aims at establishing public and private sector partnerships.

Component 3: Capacity Development and Training

Outcome 3.1 will support and strengthen the capacity development of the BCC.

Component 4: Marketing and Resource Mobilisation and Fiscal Sustainability

Outcome 4.1 Sustainable long-term management structures and financing mechanisms adopted by the BCC.

SDG contributions

BCLME III will take a proactive approach to the following SDGs:

Project Details

Implemented by: Benguela Current Convention (BCC)
Duration: January 2017 – March 2023
Implementing Agency: UNDP


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