Honourable Bernard Esau and Honourable Edna Molewa sign the Benguela Current Convention.
Dr Hashali Hamukuaya, Executive Secretary of the Benguela Current Commission, addressed the gathering, providing a succinct update on the activities and achievements of the BCC over the past year.
Ms Maria Valle Ribeiro, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative of Angola, addressed the gathering. UNDP and GEF provided funding and support for regional cooperation since the early 1990s, and their backing was key to the successful establishment of the Benguela Current Commission (BCC).
Andre Laperriere, Deputy CEO of the Global Environment Facility, congratulated the countries on the signing of the Benguela Current Convention. The countries all acknowledged the important role played by international partners in the establishment of the Benguela Current Commission.
Ms Ulitala Hiveluah, Permanent Secretary for Fisheries and Marine Resources in Namibia and chairperson of the Management Board of the Benguela Current Commission.
Honourable Bernhard Esau, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, addresses the gathering on behalf of Namibia.
Honourable Edna Molewa, Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, addressed the gathering on behalf of South Africa.
Celebrating the signing of the Benguela Current Commission are Agostinho Felizardo, Vice governor of Benguela Province, Edna Molewa Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs in South Africa; Kilus Nguvauva, Deputy Minister of Works and Transport in Namibia; Bernhard Esau, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Namibia; Victoria de Barros Neto, Minister of Fisheries in Angola; and Willem Isaacks, Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy in Namibia.
Honourable Bernard Esau, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Namibia, Honourable Edna Molewa, Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs in South Africa, and Honourable Victoria de Barros Neto, Minister of Fisheries in Angola, exchange signed copies of the Benguela Current Convention.
A large number of Angolan ministers and deputy ministers attended the signing ceremony.
The ministerial delegation arrives at the Palace of the Provincial Government of Benguela for the signing ceremony. The event was attended by a large number of ministers and deputy ministers from Angola, Namibia and South Africa.
Guests were entertained by a troupe of traditional Angolan dancers.
The magnificent, Palácio do Governo de Benguela, a fitting venue for the historic signing of the Benguela Current Convention.
Honourable Edna Molewa handed over the chairmanship of the Benguela Current Commission to Honourable Victoria de Barros Neto, with the outgoing chairman pledging her country’s continued support for the Commission.
Honourable Victoria de Barros Neto, Minister of Fisheries in Angola, addressed the gathering of government officials and supporters and sponsors of the Benguela Current Commission.
The talent and beauty of Angolan songstress, “Africanita” provided African flair to the signing ceremony, with one minister declaring that it is music that unites African countries and cultures.