Science Programme
BCC Norwegian Ecosystem-Based Management Programme (2016-2017)
During 2016/2017, Norway provided financial support to Angola, Namibia and South Africa through the Benguela Current Convention to implement four projects covering highly prioritised policy actions in the BCC Strategic Action Programme (SAP). These include a) the application of Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) to strengthen the fisheries management in the BCLME region. The ERA was applied to hake species and horse mackerel species in Namibia and South Africa, as well as shrimp species, sardinella species and dentex species in Angola (b) the identification of new pollution hotspots in the region; the drafting of monitoring plans; training on pollution monitoring of scientists. In addition, recommendations on the integration of plans into policies to control and monitor water quality standards, control spillage and release of harmful and noxious substances were made. The roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in pollution management were also identified c) updated the National Plan of Action (NPOAs) for by-catch and ghost fishing of seabirds and turtles and a review report on current status and threats to seabirds, turtles and other vulnerable marine species in the BCC region was produced d) development of a framework document on ability to monitor the ecosystem health.
The final report of the EBM programme can be downloaded here – Final Report Ecosystem-Based Management Programme.
Selected documents of the Ecosystem-based management projects are contained under the various projects below.